The Nights Away Permit Scheme is an internal assessment scheme designed to ensure that all those leading nights away events for young people within Scouting have the skills, experience and personal suitability to do so.
Full details of the Nights Away Permit Scheme are here:
Information and Advice is available here:
Midlothian’s Administrative Arrangements
Nights Away Notifications (NAN’s)
These must be completed using the online form at the link below, with 7 days notice minimum, though the more notice the better.
Link to District NAN Form
You can use this link on tablets and mobile phones, it will also give a email receipt.
Please note NAN’s submitted via Word or any other method or format will not be accepted.
Applying for a Nights Away Permit
Please email Richard Fairbairn, District Lead Volunteer:
Date last updated 23/04/2024