Activities Notifications

POR 9.1.b states “The District Commissioner is responsible for approving all activities for Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer Scouts. This will usually be by means of an informal system agreed between the District Commissioner and each Group Scout Leader or District Explorer Scout Commissioner. “

In Midlothian, you must notify your Group Scout Leader, or designate of your activities.

In addition, the following activities must be notified to gain approval from the District Commissioner separately, by using the Activities Notification Form, link below:

  • archery
  • caving
  • climbing and abseiling, except:
    • bouldering
    • climbs using auto belay systems (systems that lower a climber to the ground without any human intervention)
  • hill walking and off road cycling (in Terrain One and Two)
  • hovercrafting
  • shooting
  • snowsports (except artificial slopes and nursery slopes)
  • all water activities, except swimming, on class B1, B2, B3 or A waters
  • all motorised water activities and SCUBA activities on class C waters.

Activities notified on a NAN Form do NOT need notified on this form, separately.